Day #4879 (Tue., May 16, 2023) – Meeting With Sharon
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My wife, Katie, and I met with Sharon this afternoon. It’s been five years since the last time we saw her. She lives in a beautiful house not too far from Spence’s Farm. She will be helping Katie deal with some of the stresses and strains that she is dealing with in middle school. I’m sure that she will provide my wife and I will tips and ideas on how to best help Katie as well.
After the meeting we had a quick three minute drive to Spence’s Farm to pick up Bobby. My wife picked out Charlotte to me, who is one of Bobby’s closest friends at the camp. Bobby climbed way up to the top of the tree just outside the house, and I snapped a pic. Having said that, the real excitement at Spence’s Farm today was holding a rat snake. You can see Katie and Bobby holding it in the photo to the left. My wife and I held it as well. One of the workers at the farm found it in the barn. They love having it around as it keeps copperheads away, and deals with the mice and rat problem.
On the way home this evening we stopped off at Chick-Fil-A for a treat. With the two salads for my wife and I, and the two kid’s meals for the kids, the total cost was over $30… Prices have sure gone up since the pandemic. As was the case in the early 70s with potato chips, I don’t see prices going down at any point…
My wife and Katie went to see a violinist this evening. Miss Patricia introduced Katie to her after the performance. Bobby has actually expressed a desire to be a professional violinist as of late, so perhaps we will have a professional violinist and a professional violaist in the family at one point. While they were at the concert I put Bobby to bed. He gave me a bit of a performance of his new song before signing off for the night.