Day #4880 (Wed., May 17, 2023) – “Sick” Wedding Anniversary
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The photo to the right shows Bobby climbing the tree outside of the Spence’s Farm house yesterday, just after handling the rat snake.
Today is our wedding anniversary, but unfortunately everyone is sick, so today was more like “hanging on” rather than celebrating. Bobby actually threw up in the afternoon and went for a nap. Katie was also sick this morning. No school day for the kids today. I decided to wear a COVID mask around the house just in case…
As the afternoon raged on my wife started to get sick. She was getting weaker, and as I was out running errands, she asked me to pick up something for dinner. We settled upon a rotisserie chicken and some potato salad and cole slaw as well. I also picked up a pizza in case we are all sick tomorrow as well. While in the grocery store I started to feel ill… Dizzy and with a headache, am I getting sick as well?
When I got home my wife had deteriorated to the point that she went to bed for a nap, without even eating. I fed the kids, who both wanted a turkey sandwich. The turkey sandwich didn’t agree with Bobby, and it soon came up. He had a bucket, but not all of the “spew” made it. I had to clean up the bedspread and the floor, and by then Bobby expressed a desire to go to bed. I put him to bed without a story or violin practice, and he was “out like a light” within five minutes.
Elon Musk was asked what to tell children who, in the face of AI, are planning a career… His response was telling:
I was feeling exhausted early this evening, and my wife was still sleeping, so I asked Katie if she could put herself to sleep. She said that she could, so I went to bed early. I asked Katie to take Maple out, and feed Batman as well, if she had the strength.