Day #4889 (Fri., May 26, 2023) – Strep It Is!

As I was driving to pick Bobby up at Spence’s Farm yesterday I happened to notice this “blonde” in the car next to me.  It was actually a mannequin (see photo to the right), so I had to do a double-take to confirm.

Bobby threw up yet again this morning.  His mother was napping so I let her sleep and gave him a cold facecloth for his forehead.  He tried it and said it worked great, but also added that it would be better on the neck and moved it there.

My wife took both kids to the doctor this morning and yep, they BOTH have Strep Throat, as she suspected.  Bobby’s test came back extremely positive and Katie’s was not as positive, but the doctor said she still had it.

When they got home I got Bobby some Moose Tracks ice cream so he could munch away while he played on his iPad in the bedroom.  Katie was exhausted and went to bed for a nap.

Bobby seemed a lot better this evening, but he was highly medicated, so who knows…  Let’s see if my wife and I get it.  We managed to avoid the HSMD, as both kids had blisters, but neither of us had any sign of it…  It’s gonna be a “fun” weekend…