Day #4894 (Wed., May 31, 2023) – Sick Mom & Dad

I felt really strange early this morning.  That weak feeling that you get when you have not eaten in a while and have been exercising hard…  Not sure why this morning, but I almost went out to the kitchen for a snack but was afraid that I would wake my wife, so I just went to bed.  As it turns out, my wife was not feeling well either and was up early in the kitchen making herself a snack as she was not feeling well.

I took Bobby to Glenwood this morning with no problems, but when I got home my wife was up and sick so I drove Katie to school.  We got there just in time, which is good, as Katie has her big English exam today.  Katie mentioned that after she finished her exam she might just take a bathroom break even if she didn’t need it, but she told me later that she did not…

I went to bed when I got home and when I got up I was feeling light-headed, and a grumbling stomach.  So much so in fact that my wife, who was feeling better, went to get Katie.  She also went to get Bobby this evening.  What is this thing?  I guess it’s time for the parents to get sick with the kids sick so much, but what we have is certainly not what the kids have had.

My wife picked up Chick-Fil-A for the kids when she brought Bobby home this evening, so at least we don’t have to worry about fixing something for them.  Luckily the new Chick-Fil-A on MLK is on the way to Spence’s Farm.

Work is progressing along nicely on the sidewalk on Elliott Road just beside Katie’s school (see photo to the left).

Bobby told me that he had strawberry parfait for lunch today.  Yippee!  One of his favorite lunches at Glenwood.

Tomorrow is Katie’s Math exam.  Why do they have to have big exams like this one after another?  I remember in college they would sometimes have all my hard exams one after another, and then a whole week later I would have an easy exam that I could really study for…  Go figure…