Day #4901 (Wed., June 7, 2023) – Playdate With Lucia

The photo the the left shows the Glenwood Yearbook that Bobby brought home yesterday.

On the drive to Glenwood this morning I asked Bobby what were some of his favorite activities.  He mentioned a couple and then I responded with “Do you like to nap”, and got upset and started to cry.  I wanted to dig deeper into this and asked him why he was so upset with this that he cried.  He said that no kids like to nap, but I was really interested in digging deeper on this and find out why a joke like this would be so upsetting that it would make him cry.  He’s going to have a lot of people in his life who joke with him in this and other ways, and he will need to find a way to deal with this rather than get upset and cry.  I’m not 100% sure, but I think it has to do with the fact that he thinks people are making fun of him when they talk to him like this.  At any rate, just before we got to Glenwood he made a comment and I asked him to elaborate on it.  He responded by saying that he was being just being sarchastic and I was not to take the comment seriously.  I responded by asking him if this wasn’t similar to when I asked him if he liked to nap…  Hmmm…  Something to think about…  We’ll have to dig into this deeper…

During the drive Bobby also mentioned to me that Lucia is one of the last kids to arrive at school each day.  She arrives just before the class starts.  He told me that he thinks this is because her mother oversleeps.

Katie had her meeting with Sharon this afternoon.  Perhaps Katie will tell us how it went at some point.

I picked up Bobby at the bus stop today.  It was raining a bit, but not too bad.

Lucia’s mom texted my wife this evening asking if Bobby wanted to come over for a playdate.  Lucia gave us the idea that they wanted to have him over for a sleep over, so it was good that Lucia’s mom texted to clarify.