Day #4903 (Fri., June 9, 2023) – Half Day!

The image to the left show the plate that Bobby’s classmates signed and gave him yesterday.  I notice the words “funny” and “friendly” quite a bit…

The kids only have 1/2 day of school today.  I will pick Bobby up at the bus stop at noon, and my wife will pick Katie up at the same time.

On the way to Glenwood this morning Bobby and I talked about “noodling”, the process of catching catfish with your hands.

I picked up Bobby this afternoon at the bus stop, and on the drive back to the house he mentioned that Mr. Yang has gone back to China and will not be teaching next year.

The kids had violin/viola class this afternoon.  On the drive to Glenwood this morning Bobby reiterated that he wanted to be a concert violinist, along with a games developer.  I mentioned to him that being a concert violinist is probably the safer bet as AI is probably going to take away a lot of computer jobs.  Bobby added that he didn’t really want to code, but just to develop the games.  In that case I said he was probably safer for a while as he could just tell AI his idea, and it would code the game for him.

This evening Katie went to Nico’s birthday party at their home swimming pool.  She gave her a t-shirt and some jewelry as a present.  She was nervous as in her mind the “popular kids” would be there, and she was afraid that they would ignore her.  As usual, none of this happened.  She met her friends, had fun, and came home.