Day #4917 (Fri., June 23, 2023) – Breaking Boards
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I got up early this morning and was able to drop Bobby off at martial arts camp. During the drive we talked about this news event: “On 18 June 2023, Titan, a submersible operated by OceanGate, an American tourism company, imploded during its descent in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 400 nautical miles off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada“. In particular we talked about the two terms implosion and explosion and what they mean.
Katie talked to her friend Michael from orchestra class online today.
My wife went to Cafe Driade to meet with the kid’s former Chinese teacher about getting private lessons for herself.
I picked up Bobby at martial arts camp this afternoon. They broke a board today (see photo to the left). They also made sock puppets.
After martial arts camp I took Bobby to Subway where he got a turkey and cucumber sub. He wanted to try a Coke so I bought him one. He hated it! We went to Yopop after that. My wife called me up while we were at Yopop saying that a thunderstorm was coming, so we rushed home.