Day #4925 (Sat., July 1, 2023) – Starbucks With Nico
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Happy Canada Day! I was looking up movies that the kids might like to see about Canada and came across a “CBC Canada History Series“. Each is over 2 hours long and there are 17 of them.
Nico, one of Katie’s friends, called her up and asked her if she wanted to go to Starbucks. My wife drove her over to Starbucks and they walked 30 minutes to Starbucks (near Trader Joe’s) and 30 minutes back. While there Katie had a strawberry drink for $6 and a vegetarian sandwich for $6 as well (see photo to the right).
While Katie was away I gave Bobby one of the “Passport Educational Kits For Kids” that picked up for Katie years ago. This particular one was about Germany. Katie never opened it, but Bobby and I enjoyed doing the various puzzles while we watched a YouTube video about “Bigfoot on Vancouver Island”.
When Katie came back from Nico’s later this afternoon the whole family watched the movie “Opposite Day”, where the kids act like parents and the parents act like kids. I made two rounds of microwave popcorn to munch on.
Bobby was doing his violin practicing this evening when I asked him what “clicked” and why he no longer complains about doing violin practice. He confirmed that it was the talk that I gave him about having to do it anyway so he might as well get it over with. From this one little talk he had done wonders!