Day #4929 (Wed., July 5, 2023) – Lost Ark Video Games
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My wife and I took the kids to “Lost Ark Video Games” in Greensboro today. For $10 each you got a bracelet signifying that you could play all the games for free, all day long, and could come and go as you pleased. You can see Katie enjoying a race game and Bobby enjoying a shooting game in the photo to the left.
One of the problems with the games is that many of them were Japanese, with no instructions in English. This made it very difficult to figure out what was going on, so we tended to stick to the racing and shooting games which were much easier to figure out.
We stepped out for lunch, with the idea that we would come back, but we decided to just go home instead. The kids were hungry, and so in order to adhere to their vegetarian diet we ended up at Burger King where you can get an “Impossible Burger”. Both kids liked it, but we’ll have to remember to ask for “no sauce” for Bobby if we ever decide to order one again.
We were thinking of going to the Clark Pool this afternoon but there was a chance of lightning so “no go”.
I stopped off at Aldi this evening for some milk and lemonade.