Day #4941 (Mon., July 17, 2023) – “Elemental” Movie

Katie was asking about what her future career choice should be.  I told her that she will probably change her mind many times before we goes to College, and just try to be as broad in your skills and interests as you can so you don’t “pigeon hole” yourself.  Who knows what careers will be available in this day of AI.

I took Bobby out for Daddy/Son Day #68 today.  We ended up at Lumina’s to see the movie “Elemental” (see photo to the right).  Bobby got the usual “kiddie combo”, and I went to get him a refill 1/2 way through the movie so that he would not miss anything.  In fact, he got another refill as we left the theater to go home.  Interesting movie, about a boy who is water falling in love with a girl who is fire.

On the drive home Bobby said that he preferred to have the car windows down as opposed to air conditioning.  I know that Katie prefers the air conditioner, which is a good thing considering that it cost me $1000 to put it into the Camry.

My wife took Katie to the doctor this afternoon.  She said that Katie’s headaches are “tension headaches” and offered up some remedies.

I think as a family we prefer the “Red Baron” frozen pizza.  The frozen pizza that we get at Aldi is a bit too “doughy”.