Day #4950 (Wed., July 26, 2023) – Karate Class

My wife took Katie to see the orthodontist this afternoon.  We are all set and on track for her to get her braces sometime in December of this year.  We were planning on doing this in 2020, but then COVID struck.  By the way, we are learning that there is a new variation of COVID that is currently making the rounds.  We will have an updated booster for it available in September.

My wife took Bobby to his “free” karate class this evening as Owen was not sick today.  He loved it!  So much in fact that he wants to sign up for classes on a regular basis.  He will be starting next week and got a “Gi” to wear and had his photo taken (see photo to the right).  I guess they made quite the fuss about him being a new student (and I’m sure this was not due to the fact that he will be bringing in a lot of recurring revenue).  When they asked him in front of the class how old he was, he said 18, then corrected it to 8.  Such a jokester…

Batman was meowing downstairs this evening.  Katie would go down to see him, and make sure that he had food, but he kept meowing.  In the end she brought him to the couch and he rested there for a while, whilst having an eye open for a roaming Maple of course.

Katie and I watched a YouTube video this evening about a woman who has a $7 Million Closet.  Can you imagine how much the house costs?  It looks like it’s up for sale.