Day #4953 (Sat., July 29, 2023) – Panera Bread
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My wife took the kids to their viola/violin lesson this morning. Miss Patricia is going to Maine for August so there will be no more lessons till September.
I took Katie to Panera Bread this afternoon so that we could go over her latest novel idea. This is effectively Daddy/Daughter Day #134. Katie got the broccoli cheddar soup with a grilled cheese sandwich and a strawberry banana smoothie with a chocolate chip cookie for dessert (see photo to the left). I got the French onion soup, strawberry poppyseed salad with a coffee and an orange scone for dessert.
We spent a lot of time going over Katie’s novel about Princess Elaine, Bob, and Dan. We discussed character development and the motivations of the various characters, along with plot development. We spent about two hours doing this, and I believe Katie is feeling better and has a better handle on how to proceed with her novel after this meeting.
After Panera Bread we drove around Chapel Hill, and ended up at Eastwood Lake to see the various nice houses. I looked up the homes on Zillow and see that one of the homes is for sale for $5.85 Million!!!
When we got home my wife and kids gave Maple a bath (which was badly needed I might add). She meandered around the house for the rest of the day looking kind of dejected with this “what just happened” look on her face. She does smell better though.
I need to pick up some more blueberries when I got to Aldi. Bobby has been making his own smoothies as of late in our Ninja blender.
This evening my wife and I watched some “Amazon Mystery Pallet” videos on YouTube. I never knew that these existed! I guess all the stuff you return to Amazon gets sold to these companies who package them up as “Mystery Boxes”. You don’t really know what you are going to get, but for a $500 pallet the MSRP is probably around $2500.