Day #4954 (Sun., July 30, 2023) – Clay For Bobby
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Bobby was saying that one of the things he likes doing more than playing on the computer is modeling clay. As such, we bought him a clay set. This morning he made a couple of clay mushrooms out of it (see photo to the left).
Katie had Batman in her room for most of the day. She worked on the novel concept we came up with yesterday at Panera Bread. She told me that she was working on two potential endings and will have to decide which one to choose. I told her that she didn’t need to choose. Just do one novel and change around the characters a bit and create a new novel with the other ending… She thought that this was a great idea.
I went to Walmart for supplies this afternoon. I was gone for about three hours and running around the store for two. I’m not sure exactly why it took so long. Perhaps half thinking of what to get and the other half going back and forth to find the items. I did find some Walmart “Great Value” bars that are a great alternative to the “Z Bars” that Bobby likes and are rather expensive. I also got some broccoli and cheese soup and hard crust rolls for Katie so that she can basically have what she had yesterday at Panera Bread.
Maple is a bit more energetic today. She was moping around the house yesterday with this “What Just Happened” look on her face after we gave her a bath.