Day #4967 (Sat., Aug. 12, 2023) – 1955 Corvette Car Model Kit

Our neighbors are off to Washington, D.C. to see museums so we are taking care of Ginger this week.  She was waiting at our gate this morning to come in.

My wife took Katie to a designer consignment sale in Raleigh this afternoon.  She got some Ugg boots for Katie and some adidas shorts for Bobby.

While the girls were away Bobby and I decided to watch the Terminator 2 movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Bobby asked me the other day what my favorite country western song was and I told him “Guitars & Cadillacs” by Dwight Yoakam.  They played this song near the start of the movie.  Bobby munched away on some popcorn with a new bottle of kettle corn seasoning that I found as we watched away.  He got bored 1/2 way through it, so we took a break.  We will finish it off another day.

For a “break” Bobby went to the mailbox and got the cement and paintbrush kit that I ordered from Amazon the other day.  We started to assemble the 1955 Corvette (see photo to the left) on the patio so we wouldn’t be breathing in the fumes.  He soon got tired of this as it was taking to long.  I guess compared to Legos it is kind of slow to assemble.

I made a run to Aldi this evening to get groceries.  While there I picked up some Moose Tracks ice cream.  The family was all over it as soon as I arrived back home.