Day #4970 (Tue., Aug. 15, 2023) – Napping Bobby
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Bobby had his swimming class this morning and was quite tired afterwards. My wife took Katie shopping at South Point Mall, so I thought I would have a Daddy/Son Day with Bobby, but it was not to be…
I gave Bobby a number of options, such as going to see the new Ninja Turtles Movie at the Lumina, but he opted for riding the buses around Chapel Hill. As I was eating lunch in preparation for our outing he said that he was tired and went to bed to lie down. Well, surprise surprise, he was fast asleep! He napped for hours, so that pretty well ended the idea of a Daddy/Son Day today!
When he woke up we had a game of Battleship (see photo to the right). You can see Bobby in the background of the photo. He won by the way… I made him peanut butter & banana sandwich, and he had some chocolate coins as well.
While at the mall today Katie had Chick-Fil-A… She’s not “totally vegetarian” yet…