Day #4986 (Thu., Aug. 31, 2023) – New Bus Driver
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I dropped off Bobby at Glenwood this morning. I was thinking of going to Trader Joe’s, but was tired so I came home and went back to bed. I will need to make a trip to Trader Joe’s soon as Bobby is missing the little individual yogurt cups that they have, and my wife has expressed a desire for the shaved almond slices. Speaking of Trader Joe’s, I don’t know what’s up with them as of late. They have had a number of recalls of some of their food items. Windmill cookies with rocks and their broccoli cheddar soup with insects. Yeech…
Katie is not feeling well today so she stayed home from school. We set up a doctors appointment for her this morning and the doctor said that it was some sort of a virus, but fortunately not COVID, which has been making the rounds as of late.
Bobby took the bus home from Glenwood this afternoon. He has a different bus driver from last year and the bus arrived earlier than it did last year. I just arrived at the stop when he dropped Bobby off. I asked Bobby if he asked him if he saw his dad, but he did not. I wonder if he would have just dropped Bobby off at the stop if I wasn’t there and Bobby would have had to walk home?
I took Bobby to martial arts class this afternoon. He earned another stripe for his gi. Soon he will be doing his testing for his yellow belt, something that he is not looking forward to. They always seem to have new types of props and things for the kids each week. I guess that this is a way to keep them from getting bored and wanting to drop out of class. Today they had an exercise where you faced in the opposite direction from your partner and pass a little blue square from side to side (see photo to the left). After class I took Bobby to Yopop for a treat.