Day #4989 (Sun., Sept. 3, 2023) – Packed Pool!
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The whole family went to the Clark Pool today! Tomorrow will be the last day for the Clark Pool this year so it’s time to get that “last dip” in. The place was packed! Maybe because it was Sunday? Maybe people were in town as opposed to going to the beach this year? Maybe people realized this might be their last chance to enjoy it this year? The water was rather cool! My wife told me that this was due to the fact that the nights are no longer as warm as they used to be. Bobby’s confidence and swimming ability is getting better and better so those lessons are paying off.
We took two cars to the pool as I was planning on stopping off at the grocery store afterwards before returning home. As it turned out, Katie was cold and wanted to leave early, so I took her home and then went to the grocery store while my wife and Bobby stayed behind. While at the grocery store we needed milk and bread (as usual), but I also picked up some fixings for minestrone soup.
Bobby practiced his martial arts in the living room this afternoon (see photo to the right). We were able to find a YouTube video on “Form 1”, which is what he will be testing on. I did it along with him and gave him some pointers. I wished I had YouTube back when I took martial arts in the early 2000’s. It is such a great learning device as you can go back and rewind any little portion you want till you get it right.
Bobby started to cry when he first started practicing “Form 1” this afternoon. I wanted to figure out why and I asked him. He clammed up a bit and I had to coax and drag the answer out of him. I think that the reason is that he is so naturally smart and gifted at things then when something like this takes longer to perfect, he gets frustrated. When he can’t get it first time, he starts to cry as he feels that he is failing. I tried to explain to him that this is a difficult skill to perfect, and just because you don’t get it right the first time does not mean you are not smart. This seemed to calm him down. I want him to learn that slow and steady is the race, just like the story of the tortoise and the hare.
One thing I do notice about Bobby is that he is getting a bit confused about whether to kick or punch with the left or right hand or leg. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the person in the video is in a mirror image? I also tried to explain to him that whole idea of a form, or kata, is that you are in a simulated fight. In other words, when your arm punches out, the leg on that same side steps forward as well as this gets your whole body and force into the action. I think this helped him understand the how’s and why’s better.