Day #4992 (Wed., Sept. 6, 2023) – All Home Sick!
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The whole family is home sick today. Is it COVID? Perhaps, but more likely some other sort of a virus. At any rate, well are all home resting today. Bobby actually had two naps today and Katie tried but could not sleep. After napping Bobby even had enough energy to go to the creek this afternoon, but Katie was still not up for it.
The dog trainer came over to give Maple another lesson. She took Maple along with other dogs on the leash (see photo to the left) to the creek behind our house.
This evening my wife and I did “Form 1” with Bobby to prepare him for martial arts class tomorrow. There is a bit of confusion as to whether you do the “mirror image” of what the instructor is doing.
My wife made noodles for the kids this evening. Bobby has taken to eating noodles with his hands. He also expressed a desire for meatballs. Is his vegetarianism over?
Yesterday I picked up some bigger tubs of yogurt as they were out of the six smaller tubs that are joined together. Bobby mentioned this evening that he didn’t really like them.
Katie mentioned that she didn’t really care for the minestrone soup that I have been making. She expressed the fact that it could be an acquired taste.
By the end of the day everyone except Katie felt better.