Day #4993 (Thu., Sept. 7, 2023) – Fifth Stripe
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Katie is home sick today. My wife took Bobby to school this morning so I could sleep in. She also picked him up at the bus stop this afternoon when the school day was over.
Katie has noise cancelling headphones and I was joking with her that it will block out everything except for me talking because surely my talking and departing words of wisdom is not noise.
This afternoon I took Bobby to martial arts class. He was able to get his fifth stripe today (see photo to the left). This means that he will be able to test for his yellow belt a week from this upcoming Saturday. They gave me a form to fill out and my wife, Bobby, and I filled it out this evening. It asked various questions such as do you do chores without being asked and how have you improved. I think programs like this area great for kids as they develop you in a structured environment that rewards you for small progress along the way.
After class I took Bobby to Yopop for a treat. I picked up some cookies and cream frozen yogurt to take home for Katie as well.
This evening my wife, Katie, and I watched some reruns of American Idol, including some of the worse auditions ever.