Day #5013 (Wed., Sept. 27, 2023) – Tag With Girls

2023-09-27 - Candlelight Violin

Since the lights went out last night Bobby had to play his violin via candlelight (see photo to the left).

As I was driving Bobby to school this morning a guy ran a red light. A cop was waiting at the intersection going in the other direction and Bobby and I talked about him not racing after the speeder. I mentioned to Bobby perhaps he had a more serious case to work on.

Bobby has a friend named Katie (not his sister), who sits with him at a table in one class. He plays Roblox with her online from time-to-time. He has another friend, Martina, who sits with him at another table, but they don’t have much in common because she is into dolls.

I picked up Katie after school today. On the way home she told me she has “Activity” class, which is what we used to call recess back when I was going to school. Katie said that she is thinking of being a therapist again. We talked about how all the advancements in medical science mean that we might be able to live forever.

I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm this evening and he was very excited that his mother made some ravioli for him to eat on the drive home as he forgot his lunch at school.

As my wife was putting Bobby to bed this evening he expressed his sadness that he played tag with a bunch of girls today and they all tried to tag him. He was upset about this as he thought they were teasing him, but his sister Katie said that this sounds like they like him.