Day #5014 (Thu., Sept. 28, 2023) – 102.3 Degrees!

I took Bobby to school this morning. He told me that Martina sits with him at the table in one class and Katie sits at the table with him in the other class.

After dropping Bobby off I stopped off at Trader Joe’s for groceries. We needed two milk and bread primarily.

I had my knee appointment at UNC this afternoon. He said that my knee replacements were in excellent condition, which is great!

I picked up Bobby at the bus stop this afternoon and made him a Roti Roll Up when we got home. He was fine, and I was preparing to take him to martial arts class when my wife told me that he was feeling sick. He went to bed at 6:30 pm this evening he was so exhausted. When he got up later this evening he had a 102.3 degree temperature, so no school for him tomorrow.

Katie made herself lunch this evening (see photo to the left). She has been doing yoga today and said that she has been visualizing jogging on a treadmill.