Day #5022 (Fri., Oct. 6, 2023) – Teaching Fractals
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As my wife went to Glenwood this morning to teach both of Bobby’s 3rd grade dual language classes about fractals (shapes that repeat the same parts in different sizes), as she did yesterday. Bobby really enjoyed having his mother teach at his school yesterday and today.
Katie got 90% on her orchestra test, which involved musical theory.
My wife picked up Bobby at the bus stop this afternoon as I was at Panera Bread. Like yesterday, the bus was late. My wife was able to find Bobby’s missing water bottle though. The bus driver knew right where it was.
Katie is not feeling well today so no viola lesson for her. The good news is that Bobby got to have two lessons. They have missed so many lessons due to being sick it’s nice to get a chance to catch up.
I stopped off at Harris Teeter for groceries this afternoon on the way back from Panera Bread. I picked up another baguette for Katie as the one I picked up yesterday at Harris-Teeter was such a hit! They have a whole container of them (see photo to the right).
Katie’s throat was so sore that I suspected strep throat, luckily the test was negative. Just some virus. Despite her illness she is getting into the Halloween mood by drawing pumpkins, witches and the like.