Day #5025 (Mon., Oct. 9, 2023) – No Medicine!
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Well, both kids are home sick again today. Not only that, our van won’t start!
I went to get my allergy shot at 8:35 am this morning and rushed home so that I could “jump start” the van and take it to Lloyd’s Tire. On the way back home I met my wife at the end of our street. She was able to start the van this morning (go figure), so I turned around and met her at Lloyd’s Tire so she could drop the van off and take her home.
I then went to Panera Bread to enjoy the “Sip Club”, which I joined yesterday. I get unlimited coffee and soft drinks for only $5.00 per month! Yes, you heard it right folks! Normally $11.99, I get it for only $5 for the next four months. This morning I thought that I would enjoy this “Blood Orange” drink (see photo to the right). It’s great to sit down, read my Kindle, sip on a beverage, and let thoughts of a “great deal” waft around in the back of my subconscious… 🙂
At 12:30 pm this afternoon my wife took the kids to the doctor for their appointment in my little Camry. It’s some sort of a virus. There was a little bit of “musical chairs” with the car and van, but suffice it to say that the van’s problem was a bit of corrosion, so that’s fixed and back home, but when I was at Panera Bread for my afternoon “sip” I got a call from my wife that there was a prescription ready for Katie at Walgreens.
I went to Walgreens to pick up the prescription, but they did not have it in stock. They called around to another Walgreens but they didn’t have it either. As it turns out, they don’t have it in the warehouse, so the doctor will need to adjust the prescription, so I went home empty handed.
Yes, this is a long winded story about this and that, vans and cars, and prescriptions and doctor’s visits, but such is the long saga of our life today… 🙂
This evening Amanda, our friend in Courtenay, is having a “Baby Reveal” on Facebook at 10 pm. My wife and Katie are staying up to see the results, but I was tired and went to bed… 🙂