Day #5033 (Tue., Oct. 17, 2023) – Middle School Concert

Bobby is home sick today. He’s back to eating hamburgers now, with cheese even, so finding something for him to eat is much easier than when he was a vegetarian. I got some turkey bacon when I was out shopping as he really likes that. Getting something different for Katie to eat is another matter.

Katie’s Middle School Orchestra Concert was this evening. You can see the selection list in the photo to the right. The 7th graders performed first, then the 8th graders, which Katie was in. There are a lot fewer orchestra members in the 8th grade class this year as a lot of kids dropped out.  Dexter, who used to play the bass, dropped out as well.

After the concert we went to Yopop for a treat. Katie sat with her friends inside, while my wife talked with Leah’s mom, and Bobby ran around with the older kids. Despite the age, they were quite nice and accommodating to Bobby.