Day #5034 (Wed., Oct. 18, 2023) – “The Hunger Games” Is In!
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Bobby was home sick again today. Hopefully he will be well enough to go to school tomorrow.
Katie wanted to go to the Chapel Hill Public Library this afternoon, so after my wife picked her up after school this afternoon off they went (see photo to the left). My wife reserved “The Hunger Games” weeks ago and it finally came in.
While they were at the library Bobby got up from his nap. He was complaining that his stomach and head hurt, so I had him eat a yogurt and gave him some ibuprofin. He played on his iPad in his bedroom while I made a package of turkey bacon for him to munch on. At first it was a turkey bacon sandwich, then no cheese, no tomato, no cucumber, till it was just a plate of turkey bacon that he wanted.
I went grocery shopping this evening. The plan was to go to Aldi, but when I saw vegetable broth on the list I went to Food Lion instead. I’m not sure why, but beef and chicken broth at Aldi is always there, but not so with vegetable broth… Go figure. Katie also wanted some Hershey’s chocolate and I got dark chocolate for my wife.