Day #5037 (Sat., Oct. 21, 2023) – Oh No, A Goal!

The whole family went to the Homestead Soccer Field this afternoon to see Bobby’s soccer game. For the first part of the game he was running around and waving his arms and getting free like we had talked about. If a couple of kicks from his teammates had gone further he would have been home free.

They put him in goal and he unfortunately missed the ball when he tried to kick it away from the net. As you can see in the photo to the left he was enjoying the game before they scored on him. Apparently he forgot what we talked about a few weeks ago. He was very dejected that he let his team down, but I told him that this was probably a good thing that happened.  Here’s why:

  1. They were already losing the game by a goal, and never did get a goal, so it was 1-0 when the ball got past Bobby. So even if Bobby had saved this goal, the other team would have won the game.
  2. Given the fact that they would have lot the game anyway, this was a valuable lesson to learn without the game on the line.
  3. What we talked about a few weeks ago is that as a goalie you have an extra ability that none of your teammates have. This is the fact that you can actually touch the ball.
  4. Your main job as a goalie is to stop the ball. It’s not to worry about kicking the ball away, or kicking it down the field, or kicking it to one of your teammates, it is to stop the ball.
  5. Once you stop the ball, you have all kinds of options available. You can hold it and let the referee blow the whistle, which will slow down the game. You can pass or kick it to one of your teammates or just down the field. The key is to STOP the ball first. If you don’t stop the ball, the other team scores and your options evaporate.

This evening, after going to Aldi to get groceries, Bobby and I practiced a few goalie scenarios in the front yard. He could potentially get a chance to try these scenarios out tomorrow, as there is another soccer game.

While at the soccer game today Katie and I talked about the time she joined a soccer league. She actually went to a soccer camp and liked it so that’s when we enrolled her in the league. When she didn’t enjoy her time at the league, that’s when her soccer days came to an end.

I went to Panera Bread this afternoon and could not get out of the parking lot as there was a tow truck trying to take a car away. The owner of the car came back and started to complain that he just left the lot for a second and had an order waiting for him at Panera Bread. The cops came and they argued back and forth. It was about an hour before the guy eventually paid off the tow truck driver and was allowed to take his car, and then with the lot freed up I was on my way as well. 

This evening I imported some rough information regarding the people I have been noticing at Panera Bread into Bard. I had Bard craft a story around these characters for me. It did a pretty good job, but I’m not sure how detailed. I’m going to go over this story that Bard created with Katie at our next Daddy/Daughter Day to see if it is any good.

Bobby asked me to put him to bed tonight. I think it was his way of saying how much he appreciated our soccer talk today, but I’m not sure…