Day #5045 (Sun., Oct. 29, 2023) – FNAF Movie

I had Daddy/Son Day #71 with Bobby today. He has been asking to watch the “Five Nights At Freddy’s” movie since it came out on Friday, and in fact has been asking to see it ever since he saw the trailer for it months ago. Katie watched it yesterday and said that it was not too scary for him, so we let him watch it today, with me, on the tv in the bedroom. The theaters would have never let him in to see it.

When I told Bobby that we were going to let him watch it he started to cry out of joy!

So, we stopped off at McDonalds for food, but since it was only 10:30 am, we had to drive around a bit before they served up the 2 cheeseburger combo that he likes at 11:30 am. We ended up at Katie’s old dance studio, and then to the ole Blue Cross/Blue Shield’s building with the “solar type roof” to look for some coins. You can see Bobby giving putting the metal detector through its paces in the photo to the left.

So while at McDonalds Bobby got the 2 cheeseburger combo that he likes. We also picked up some large fries for Katie.

About half way through the FNAF movie Bobby said that he wanted to take a break. My wife thought that it might be too scary for him and that is why he wanted to take a break, but I don’t think so.