Day #5049 (Thu., Nov. 2, 2023) – Now And Then

Well we are all sick today! Everyone’s home. Even I feel like I’m coming down the the virus that the others have.

Bobby was hungry this morning so I asked him if he wanted a turkey bacon sandwich fully expecting that he would want only the turkey bacon. Well, surprise, surprise, he opted for the sandwich. He only wanted turkey bacon, bread, and a slice of cheese that was not heated (see photo to the right). He loved it!

I asked Katie if she had some extra Halloween candy that she didn’t like and could donate to my sweet tooth. She gave me the M&M’s (both chocolate & peanut) which she said she hated. I asked her why and she said that it was the chocolate. I told her that a co-worker of mine, Keith, could not resist the peanut ones so we had to keep them away from him.

My wife took the kids to the doctor today and she thinks that they have the RSV virus. Even my wife is sick, and I’m not feeling 100%, but am not really bad like I usually am when the kids bring something home. My wife thinks that this is because I got the RSV vaccine last year. Sounds right!

My wife, Katie, and I watched “Now And Then” via YouTube on the television in the living room this evening. This is the LAST recording by the Beatles, and was just released.