Day #5060 (Mon., Nov. 13, 2023) – Homeschooling
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Bobby is home sick again today. The school is giving us flack that he is missing too many days, so we are thinking of homeschooling… The problem with this is that Katie would want to be homeschooled as well, and heaven knows if you would ever get them to go back to the school system after that…
The photo to the right show’s Katie’s little setup, with her desk and artist area. Thought I would share that today.
I had an allergy appointment at 8:15 am this morning, so since the Camry is at Lloyds I dropped Katie off at Phillips on the way to may appointment. On the way back I stopped off at Walgreens for Bobby’s prescription, then to Panera Bread for a coffee, then home.
The Z-Pac that I took on Saturday evening, and another pill last night, is working it’s magic. I feel better already, but I still have a couple more pills to go.
Katie has been taking a shower every evening as of late. I guess one girl mentioned this at school the other day and Katie thought she would do this as well.
Bobby has been doing pretty good in the stretching department. I suggested that he incorporate it into his daily routine in the morning. Once he wakes up, he goes downstairs to feed the cat, then takes Maple out. He could easily do some stretching while he is outside with her.