Day #5070 (Thu., Nov. 23, 2023) – Thanksgiving Day!

We heard from Arnesa and Ayra is sick as well, so they will definitely not be coming over to our house to celebrate Thanksgiving with us this year. My wife spent the morning making the turkey, and we were able to enjoy a lunch feast soon after noon today. You can see the kids ready to “dig in” in the photo to the right.

After eating we had some rounds of the Uno card game. I made sure that TiVo was recording the football games so that I could watch them later. I’m still not 100%, so I went to bed for a long nap this afternoon. The amoxicillin seems to be helping, but it will be a while before it kicks in 100% percent.

When I got up this afternoon the family watched the movie “The Money Pit” with Tom Hanks on the television in the living room. Bobby watched for a bit, but Ethan called, and that was that… Off to his bedroom to play video games he went. While we were watching the movie Amanda texted about the house on Atlas Road and we had a good laugh about the timing.

This evening Katie, my wife, and I watched some “Dollar Store” Christmas decoration videos on YouTube. Katie was commenting on the fact that some of them were a bit too much. I joked with her that I planned to buy a bunch of pink flamingos and put them in the yard with ugly Christmas sweaters on them… Would that be too much? You could judge from her reaction that the answer to this was in the affirmative.