Day #5076 (Wed., Nov. 29, 2023) – Nurse Home Visit

The “elves” are making their rounds these days (see photo to the left). Even though the kids realize the “truth” about them, they enjoying moving them about the house to please each other with their antics!

Katie was not feeling well this morning, but her friends texted her and she decided to go to school despite this fact. Bobby is still home sick today.

I’m still not feeling well either, so my wife drove me to the doctor’s office yet again. This time the nurse saw us, and she prescribed me some predisone, a strong steroid. Hopefully this will do the trick. We then went to Walgreens to pick up the prescription, and to Aldi for some supplies.

When we returned home we found a note and a couple of COVID tests on our front door. The nurse from Glenwood made a home visit as she was “concerned for Bobby & us”. Well, we are in the process of formulating “next steps” to deal with this.

My wife had a dentist appointment so I picked up Katie in the Camry this afternoon, despite not feeling 100%. Lilly made a comment on the Camry, and Katie attributes this to trying to make her feel better about the age of our car. Katie just rolled her eyes when I showed her the new “wire configuration” that operates the air conditioner and heater now. Katie had an appointment with the orthodontist, so I dropped her off. Her mom will come and pick her up after the dentist appointment is over.

The printouts for this year’s Advent Calendars is available at Staples, so I picked them up as I was driving home from the orthodontist. I sure hope I feel better tomorrow as this will be the last day to afix them to the boxes before December 1st!