Day #5081 (Mon., Dec. 4, 2023) – Katie’s Surgery
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Bobby woke up with a headache this morning, so no school for him today. I stayed home with Bobby while my wife took Katie to the orthodontist for surgery (see photo to the right). They have to remove the “wayward” tooth so that Katie can have her “Million Dollar Smile” back.
The surgery was not as painful as Katie expected. In fact my wife texted me that it was kind of funny as Katie was “all drugged up”. Once it was over they were home by noon. They attached a gold chain to Katie’s wayward tooth, and the idea is that over time, the chain will pull the tooth in the right direction, and eventually out.
Bobby received another Spy Mission in his Advent calendar. Katie received chocolates. They both received a roll of Life Savers candies. Daddy got “Toasted Marshmallow” coffee, and Maple LOVES “whatever” those doggie treats are that are in her Advent Calendar. We forgot to give Maple her Advent treat yesterday, so Ginger was more than happy to take it today.
We received an email from the Glenwood principal this evening. He was in a “reconciliatory” mood it seems. Crisis averted? Let’s hope so.