Day #5083 (Wed., Dec. 6, 2023) – Advent Coffee
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My wife woke me up this morning to take her to Urgent Care as she was having an allergic reaction. They gave her the same med, Prednsone, that they gave me. The question now is what is she allergic to? While she was checking out I went home and picked up Bobby and after picking up my wife we drove to Carrboro Pediatrics for Bobby’s appointment. The doctor did a flu test, but we need to come back this afternoon to get his blood work done.

My wife had a meeting at 2 pm, so I took Bobby back to the doctor this afternoon to get his blood work done. He’s a real trooper…didn’t complain about the needle used to draw blood or anything. While we were in the waiting area he sat in their “old-fashioned school desk”. I told him that this was the type of desk I sat in when I was his age, but the arm rest was on the other side as I am left-handed.
Katie is home today, but she hopes to be able to go to school tomorrow. Her mouth is still sore, but she just chews on the side that the orthodontist did not work on.
We opened up the Advent Calendar gifts this afternoon. Bobby got a t-shirt with a penguin on it (as they are having a Penguin Day) next week at Glenwood. Unfortunately we have to return it as it is too small. Katie got some leggings. Daddy got “Hazelnut Coffee” (see photo to the right).