Day #368 (Thu., Jan. 6, 2011) – Cow’s & Goat’s Milk
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My wife told me that it is fine for Katie to eat cow’s and goat’s milk now. Apparently they don’t recommend it for children under 1 year old. Katie has just surpassed that milestone.
I was playing with Katie in the playyard this evening when my wife gave her a teething biscuit. Katie did manage to get some of it inside her mouth, but a lot of it made its way to her hands, face, and around the playyard. It’s funny how much of a mess a child can make…and they are totally oblivious to it…
The photo to the left shows a picture of some of the blocks that Katie plays with “occasionally”. She really is not into blocks like she is other things like toys that make noise or books. She does love to destroy whatever daddy happens to have built, but she’s not really into building things on her own. Perhaps this is something that she will develop as she gets older. We sure do have a lot of blocks though. She will have plenty of blocks to play with if she ever “gets into them”…
Here’s a new game that Katie and I play. Grab the feet on Katie’s “onesie” and pull them up and down (with her feet in tow). She gets a great kick out of this…a big toothless grin will envelope her face, and she will start to pound her legs up and down as well.
1) Katie can have cow’s and goat’s milk now.