Day #5087 (Sun., Dec. 10, 2023) – Bobby’s New Word
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It’s raining like mad today. It will be raining all day and won’t let up till about 3 am tomorrow morning!
Bobby is feeling better. Flonase is doing it’s trick… His sinuses are draining “yellow stuff”. We might not need a CAT Scan now? We’ll see.

In regards to the Advent Calendar’s today, the kids each got a Knoppers bar. Bobby also got a $1 Roblox card (and $4 off his Roblox bill).
This afternoon my wife took Katie to see Miss Patricia’s daughter give a violin performance at UNC.
Bobby was very proud of learning a new word today. He tried to pronounce it to me, and was “rather” successful, but when I asked him to tell it to his mother later today he insisted on writing it out (see photo to the right). I was quite impressed that he could type out such a long word! Pnemultramicroscopicsiliconvolcaniconiosis, that’s the word!
My wife found this info: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
an invented long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust.
This evening my wife took Katie to see Miss Patricia give a violin performance at UNC.
I put Bobby to bed this evening and we were reminiscing about the times I used to have him pick three things and create a story around it for him. We decided to do it again. He chose “The Universe”, a “Rubik’s Cube”, and “Macaroni”. I told him I got up early on Christmas and under the tree were three gifts for me, “The Universe”, a “Rubik’s Cube”, and “Macaroni”. The End. He laughed, and then I created a real story for him.