Day #5112 (Thu., Jan. 4, 2024) – Katie Turns 14!
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It was a busy morning for daddy. I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood, then went to Panera Bread for a coffee, and then to get my allergy shot. Bobby took the bus today so I picked him up at the bus stop at 3 pm. He told me that he had a strawberry parfait for lunch today, his favorite lunch of all time.
Katie turned 14 years old today, so I went to Harris Teeter to pick up a strawberry ice cream cake (as she requested), and a couple of “1” and “4” candles as well (see photo to the left). Bobby lit the candles for us and we all enjoyed the cake this evening.

I also picked up another present for Katie while I was at Harris Teeter. They had a sale to get rid of all their Christmas chocolate items, so I picked up “The Perfect Man” for her (see photo to the right). They were on sale, so I picked up another one for Bobby. After having our cake we all gathered in the living room to open up Katie’s other presents from the family.
Getting back to earlier in the day, there was quite the surprise that awaited Katie at school today. One of her friends remembered her birthday, so they met her with an ice cream hat and sash and a basket full of presents. They made her wear this hat and sach to each class. Quite the surprise for a girl who didn’t want to have a birthday party!
I took Bobby to martial arts class tonight. It has quite a different tone since the previous instructor, Mr. Choy, has gone to Houston to start his own martial arts studio. They forgot to give the kids a water break half-way through the class.