Day #5115 (Sun., Jan. 7, 2024) – Playdate With Lucia
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Lucia came over at 1 pm this afternoon for a playdate with Bobby. They played outside for most of the time, and even had a picnic down by the creek. When I came back from my shopping at Aldi I gave them each a cinnamon roll (see photo to the right). They liked them so much that they had another afterward.
I asked Lucia if she liked being here over Spence’s Farm, and she said she preferred Spence’s Farm. She is a very direct girl. Lucia’s parents came to pick her up shortly after 3pm.
After Bobby left he had a nice long soak in the tub. My wife got some “soap bombs” that he could enjoy, along with his toys.
My wife and Katie took down the Christmas tree this afternoon. We will now be able to move the rower to in front of the fireplace so that we can row while we watch television.