Day #5118 (Wed., Jan. 10, 2024) – Friend Everett!
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My wife took Bobby to school this morning as I had a dentist appointment. Katie stayed home sick.

I picked up Bobby this afternoon at Spence’s Farm. On the way to pick him up I came across a raccoon (see photo to the left), and then a couple of deer (see photo to the right). Katie was telling me that it was the power of manifestation, but I haven’t been trying to bring wild animals into my life. The raccoon in particular was an interesting case. As I approached it, it just started at me. I dimmed the lights and it continued to stare, and then as I drove around it, it just stood it’s ground. As I looked at it in the rear view mirror it was still there, beside the stop sign, without a care in the world. Not sure why it wandered out of the woods, but it sure didn’t seem to be afraid of anything.
I picked up Bobby close to 6 pm and he still didn’t want to leave. He was sitting at the picnic table eating his lunch, and intermittently playing with his new friend Everett. He said that Everett used to come to Spence’s Farm back in September, but he hasn’t seen him for months. Eventually all the parents came and so Bobby and I left as well. He didn’t eat the lunch that his mother made for him on the drive home as he had just eaten his Spence’s Farm lunch when I arrived. I asked him why he didn’t eat it earlier and he said that he forgot as he was having too much fun.