Day #5123 (Mon., Jan. 15, 2024) – Urban Air

Bobby and Ethan were invited to Lucia and her brother Caleb’s birthday party this afternoon at “Urban Air”, a zipline and bumper car play area in Raleigh. My wife dropped Bobby off and Ali, Ethan’s mother, who stayed for the event, drove the boys home. You can see Bobby enjoying the zipline “contraption”, without a care in the world, in the photo to the right.

I made a huge pot of cabbage soup in the Instant Pot this afternoon. Easy to make, and my wife and I love it. Now to see what the kids think…

Katie stayed home and worked on her homework most of the afternoon. She had a lot to do since she missed so much school as of late.

Batman was crying on the steps of our basement so I coaxed him to the top of the stairs with some treats and placed him on the cat tree. He is nice and relaxed up there, but once Maple sees him up there she casts a “mischievous” eye his way.

Amanda, our friend in Courtenay, sent us a “belated” Christmas present that arrived today. It was addressed to us alright, but got delivered to the wrong address. Go figure… At any rate, it was an assortment of delicious chocolates.