Day #5126 (Thu., Jan. 18, 2024) – New Violin
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Bobby is still not feeling 100% this morning so he stayed home from school. He started to feel a bit better as the day progressed. I went to get my allergy shot, then to Panera Bread for a cup of coffee.
Katie went to school today. I guess her girlfriends are trying to define a future husband for her. He’s buff, and has green eyes!
My wife drove to Hillsborough to pick up a new violin for Bobby (see photo to the right). He has been growing so much as of late that Miss Patricia recommended it. It cost about $500, but we will be able to sell his old violin to Kate, the little girl who attends violin lessons with him. The new one does not have any stickers on it yet, and Bobby might not need them as he is doing great playing by ear.