Day #5131 (Tue., Jan. 23, 2024) – Sam’s Club
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I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning. On the way I told him about this new YouTube channel I have been watching called “An Aussie Farming In The Philippines” and all the antics and stuff he gets into. For one thing, he has to watch out for dangerous snakes! My wife drove Katie to Phillips.
I stopped off at Sam’s Club this afternoon as I needed to get my eyeglasses fixed. One of the screws came out and my lens will not stay in, so I took the opportunity to fix and tighten both pairs of glasses. While at Sam’s Club I picked up a huge box of Z-Bars (see photo to the right), which Bobby loves. I also picked up a box of raspberries, but I was to later learn that the kids don’t care for them.
Katie is thinking of wearing a skirt tomorrow. When I asked her why she said that she just felt like wearing one.
There will be “yet another” Teacher Work Day this Friday, so the kids are excited.
The New Hampshire Primary was this evening, and Donald Trump beat out Nikki Haley, the only other Republican still running. The South Carolina Primary is next.