Day #5133 (Thu., Jan. 25, 2024) – Food Drive Winner!

What a miserable rainy day today is! It was raining “cats and dogs” when I picked Bobby up at the bus stop this afternoon. We had him change out of his wet clothes into warmer clothes as soon as he arrived home.

Bobby told me that his class won the food drive today! The teachers had the students bring cans of food into class to donate to the less fortunate, and Bobby’s class won! This was probably due in no small part to Bobby’s classmate Katie, who brought in over 200 cans! The prize? An ice cream party. Bobby was not too sure about the details, but possibly Monday during class, and possibly get a cone or dish of ice cream or two… I suspect an “all you can eat” buffet ice cream party would be disastrous! We’ll see…

We have martial arts class this evening, so I made Bobby a dinner of two hot dogs, a tangerine, some potato chips, and milk to wash it down. At martial arts class this evening they started off the class with a bit of an obstacle course (see photo to the left). For some reason this current instructor, unlike Master Choi, is very strict with handing out bars for the belts. It looks like Bobby will not be ready to get his new belt as testing is in Raleigh in a couple of weeks.

Katie is planning on having Leah and Tinsley over for a sleepover on Saturday night. We need to find out what they would like to eat.