Day #5147 (Thu., Feb. 8, 2024) – Last Allergy Shot!

Bobby is home sick again today. Stomach issues. No martial arts tonight, but he was not ready to test anyway.

Since Bobby is not feeling well I didn’t need to get up and take him to Glenwood. I did, however, need to go get my last “regular” allergy shot. As of today, I’m on “maintenance” mode, which means I need to go back once a month for a shot. Even though I’m caught up on my doses I still feel “tired”… The lady who gives me the dose said that I will feel better in 6 months, then better in a year, and really good after two years. I had no idea that it took that long to fully “kick in”.

I picked up Katie this afternoon as my wife was having some stomach issues as well. We went straight home rather than go for a coffee in case our “Two Sickies” at home needed us for something. The photo to the left shows the “pink drink” that she got at Starbucks yesterday.

Tomorrow is what? You guessed it! Another “Teacher Work Day”! Tomorrow is Chinese New Year so this worked out that they celebrated it today… Go figure…

Katie and Leah, since they have the day off school tomorrow, are going to go to Franklin Street and visit the various shops. Kind of a “girls day out”. They invited Tinsley, but apparently she is still skiing.

Bobby sat in the corner of the living room with his CD player listening to music. He really loves his music! It’s great to see. I was not into it so much when I was his age.