Day #5159 (Tue., Feb. 20, 2024) – Duck Donuts
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Bobby’s wrist was hurting again this morning, so we kept him home from school. Katie went to school though. Daddy slept in till noon, allergy season is here! Yippee!
My wife picked up Katie this afternoon and took her to viola lessons. Bobby’s cast will be on for about six weeks, so no violin for him till that gets taken off. Miss Patricia took my wife aside this evening and said that she was not to say this, but Katie is very talented on the viola. We’ll see where this takes her in life.
I decided that I would take Bobby out this afternoon after making him a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. We went to Duck Donuts, which effectively became Daddy/Son Chat Day #8. He had the “Smores” donut with hot chocolate for a change, and you can see him enjoying them in the photo to the left. He told me that he was happy to take a break from violin practice, but was sad that he would have to miss marital arts class. We still think that the can go to Spence’s Farm tomorrow, but we’ll see.