Day #5162 (Fri., Feb. 23, 2024) – Bobby’s Rash

Bobby woke up with a rash all over his body this morning. No school for him today. My wife took him to the doctor and she is not quite sure what is going on. Bobby asked “Why are all these things happening to me”!

I had a doctor’s appointment later in the day, and she is very pleased with my cholesterol numbers, well within the acceptable range. I showed her some of the most recent pictures of Bobby (see photo to the right), and she made note of how it seems to be getting worse. As I was leaving she said that she was going to do a bit more research into what Bobby might have.

Even though he was red as a tomato, Bobby was not feeling ill. He did find time to play some chess on the website. I showed him how to play it in “assisted” mode so that he would learn some of the moves and strategies as he played. I made sure to emphasize how chess is a good skill to learn and will help him out immensely in many areas of his life as he gets older. I would rather him spend time on chess, a game that has stood the test of time, rather than Roblox or Minecraft.

Katie went to school today, and to the library after school with her friends. This evening some of her friends were performing in a Chinese festival at East Chapel Hill High School, so her mother took her to that. I stayed home to tend to our “little tomato”… 🙂

Just before Bobby went to bed tonight it looked like more “white” was coming into places that were “red”. We’ll see what happens tomorrow…