Day #5167 (Wed., Feb. 28, 2024) – Lepre Cones
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My wife drove Bobby to school this morning but Katie is still home sick.
When I went to Aldi this afternoon I picked up a large pizza, one of those massive cookies that you bake in the over, and some Lepre Cones (see photo to the right). Bobby and I were talking about them the other day and how we had them last year and wondered if they would return. Katie wanted some of the massive cookie this evening, but we had not baked it. I think she put some of it in the microwave to heat up but I’m not sure.
I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm early this evening. He told me that he had strawberry parfait for lunch today. Alas, he forgot his bottle somewhere. That means that two bottles and one jacket are missing now. The next time that I pick him up at the bus stop I will ask the bus driver if he has seen them on the bus.
Bobby keeps asking me if I have solved the Rubik’s cube yet, so I will have to find time to finish that task off.