Day #5186 (Mon., Mar. 18, 2024) – Middle School Incident
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Both kids are home sick today! My wife took them to the doctor in the afternoon but luckily they don’t have COVID.
My how Batman loves relaxing in Katie’s room (see photo to the right).
There was an “incident” at Katie’s school today. Here’s the note from the Principal:
I’m writing to let you know about an incident we addressed earlier today. During the 8th grade lunch period, two students got into a fight. Adults immediately intervened and no other students were directly involved, but many of our students were witnesses. Appropriate next steps were taken with the students involved, and the school day continued without further incident. Our student services team was involved, as well, to check on any students who may have been distressed by what they saw. I’d like to thank our staff for their quick actions, and also to our students for following their instructions as needed. We’ll continue to address the matter directly with the students involved, along with their families. We are also planning to have a brief assembly with 8th graders in the morning to check in on everyone and reinforce our expectations.
Our new home in Courtenay is pretty much everything that we wanted. In fact, it has a few things that I had wanted but forgot about. For example, a barn, if I/we should choose to raise goats or chickens one day. It’s not too large of a barn or yard that we cannot maintain it without any animals, but does provide us with this option if we so choose to have a hobby farm.
This afternoon I was talking to Bobby about his bedroom. It’s pretty big compared to his current room, but it doesn’t have any “bells and whistles”, so I explored the option of building him a tree house / bunk bed sort of a situation. I hopefully will have my own shop, so building these sorts of things will be easy…it’s just finding the time as I’m sure there will be a lot to do in order to move into our new home.
I was talking to Katie about the new home as well. She loves the lofted ceiling, and although she doesn’t have her own bathroom or walk-in closet, she has a wonderful view in her new large room. She mentioned that maybe she wasn’t meant to have these two things so it will give her something to look forward to in life. Could very well be…
I’m in the process of setting up an RBC $US Dollar account in Courtenay so that I can transfer money from my US bank accounts. We are also having a bit of drama in that the seller doesn’t want our current choice of a home inspector into their house (what’s up with that), but things are progressing rather smoothly other than that…