Day #5207 (Mon., Apr. 8, 2024) – Eclipse!
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Bobby is home sick today but Katie went to school. Both schools, Glenwood & Phillips, now know that we will be leaving for Canada and the kids will not be in attendance next year.
There was a “partial” eclipse of the sun this afternoon. Bobby, my wife and I were able to see it at home, while Katie saw it at school. I was able to see more of it when I picked Katie up when school ended. The kids seemed “underwhelmed” by it, in fact, it seemed that they were wondering what all the fuss was about. It might have been more spectacular for them if it was a total eclipse and the sky went dark.
On the drive home Katie and I got talking about Olivia Jade, and how she lost her Sephora sponsorship over the college cheating scandal via her mother Lori Loughlin.
I was listening on the radio how spiders put out their webs in the morning and take them down in the evening. During an eclipse they get fooled and start to take them down mid-day…
Katie texted us from school that her friends are “bullying” her, but it was in gest. They are actually sorry to see her leave and want to make the most of the time that she has left here. Katie and Bobby’s last day of school will be May 17th. We plan to drive off on May 18th, but the moving company might alter these plans a bit.
I came across a number of old watches in one of my boxes and gave them to Bobby to play with.