Day #5211 (Fri., Apr. 12, 2024) – TJ’s Seaweed

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood and then to Trader Joe’s to pick up some seaweed for Katie and some mascarpone cheese for my wife. On the drive to Glenwood Bobby said that he liked seaweed as well, which was a surprise to me. I was a bit shocked to see how empty Trader Joe’s was (see photo to the left). Is it possible that people are realizing how expensive their stuff is now in these inflationary times? We have noticed a big difference from today and pre-COVID days in terms of not only prices, but availability.

Trader Joe’s has a wide selection of seaweed (see photo to the right), so I picked up quite a bit to last Katie and Bobby for a while… While at Trader Joe’s I also picked up some of the yogurt cups that Bobby likes. I see that they sell Z-Bars, so I picked up some oatmeal ones as they are Bobby’s favorite, and other bars as well for his lunch.

I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm at 5:15 pm today. He’s wanting to leave earlier these days once the friends he plays with leave. He told me that he didn’t tell anyone at Spence’s Farm he will be going to Canada. We’ll have to find some other sort of camp like this in Courtenay.

Katie and Leah and some of her other friends went to Dunkin Donuts after school today, and then to the library after that. My wife picked them up. Bobby mentioned to me that he wanted to go to Dunkin Donuts during our next Daddy/Son Chat Day.

I saw on a YouTube video where during COVID, Pete Townsend of “The Who” went to his recording studio in the barn to do his music. I guess that there were four foals under him in the bottom part of the barn. He wrote the song “Four Foals” about them. Kind of a similar setup to the one I’m going to in Courtenay!