Day #5222 (Tue., Apr. 23, 2024) – Both Kids Home

Both kids are home sick today. Bobby had a four hour nap at noon, so he stayed up late this evening.

The photo to the left shows the classes that Katie will be taking in Courtney next year. A bit blurry, but hopefully you can make it out.

The kids were fine this evening and we watched a bit of television in the living room, but at first this session started off by asking Alexa for some riddles and scary stories. One thing we noticed about Alexa is that it will start off telling you the riddle, and before you can even think what it is saying, it will tell you the answer. We tried to get it to pause before giving the answer, without success. It then told us a scary store about a cat who became a cat tree (not really that scary).

This morphed into having three words, putting this into YouTube, and having to watch whatever video came up first. The photo to the right shows the one that came up to the prompt “dog pickle Alexa”. Not that funny actually.

This morphed into the Tic Toc dance video to the Carl Douglas song “Kung Fu Fighting”.

Up next, funny Timothée Chalamet videos (Katie’s crush), at which point I left the living room and came here to update this blog.